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DUNCOMBE (formerly BROWNE), Thomas (c.1683-1746), of Duncombe Park, Yorks.
Available from Boydell and Brewer
Family and Education
b. c.1683, o. s. of Thomas Browne, merchant, of St. Margaret’s, Westminster by Ursula, da. of Alexander Duncombe of Drayton, Bucks.; sis. of Anthony* and Charles Duncombe*. educ. Christ Church, Oxf. matric. 27 Apr. 1703, aged 19; I. Temple 1709. m. 18 Aug. 1714, Sarah, da. of Sir Thomas Slingsby, 4th Bt., of Scriven, Yorks., and sis. of Henry Slingsby*, 3s. 2da. suc. uncle (Sir) Charles Duncombe in Yorkshire estates and assumed name of Duncombe 1711; fa. 1720.1
Offices Held
Sheriff, Yorks. 1727–8.
Duncombe’s father had been concerned with his uncle, the banker (Sir) Charles Duncombe, in making government loans in the reign of Charles II and continued to do so on his own after 1690, lending various amounts. In 1711 the Member himself succeeded to his uncle’s Yorkshire estates, and was returned unopposed for Downton in the by-election necessitated by his uncle’s death. Duncombe was probably a Tory like the rest of his family, although his Commons career is obscured by the presence of namesakes in the chamber. However, he is not recorded as having voted in any of the divisions during his time in Parliament. He did not stand for Parliament in 1713, and was not returned again until 1734. He died on 23 Mar. 1746.2